Snowshoe Trip 2007
I attempted snowboarding for the first time and in one word, it was painful. It was definitely harder than what I expected. Everyone said that I needed to give it more than one day, but there was no way that I could physically do it after one day of trying. I was sore everywhere. It was fun to try, but maybe I will get some more practice in the future.....maybe.
I rented some demo skis that were shorter than the skis I own. I couldn't believe the difference in the control I had. I think my skill level increased 100% just by switching the skis. I completed my first black diamond runs at Snowshoe. By the last day, I was able to handle the Western Territory like a pro. haha....ok, maybe not like a pro, but at least like someone with experience. I definitely felt confident going down those trails. I feel like I have a lot more to practice though. Especially keeping my skis closer together. I wish we could ski there every weekend!
Some highlights from the trip:
*imagining what it looked like to see myself wipe out every 10 feet on the snowboard (painful)
*listening to the boys pick on each other almost 24/7
*learning about 'fives'
*playing the boxing game on the Nintendo Wii with Kev and kicking his butt ;-)
*playing the golf game on the Nintendo Wii using the character Jilian set up (left-handed) and not realizing why it wasn't working for me until it was over.
*BrianH saying, "Hey we can all fit on this lift"
*and then almost dying on the same lift when Matt decided to putz around and not get in front of it soon enough while trying to load
*laughing at Matt and Mike who were under dressed for our first night out on the town....apparently I was right when I told them that a short-sleeved shirt and a denim jacket wouldn't cut it in zero degree weather.
*making everyone run from the comedy club to the dance club - somehow the fact that snow making would be occurring on the mountain didn't cross my mind at all.
*watching Todd's face as he saw Kevin R make a beeline towards our group and hockey stopped only inches away from the whole group - there was a split instance where the snow covered the entire area and I thought we were all going down
*learning that hit another single day SMB sales record and telling Cameron that we should pay for him to take vacations more often ;-)
*Mike trying to start a mosh pit at the dance club.....and almost being thrown out about 3 times
*Matt trying to memorize all of the trail maps
*conquering the Western Territory - congrats to both Mike and Matt who also hit these trails on their first visit to Snowshoe. They went from doing greens all day Thursday to hitting the blacks Saturday and Sunday - awesome job guys!! :-)
Other pics can be viewed here.
There are rumors that next year's trip is getting started! Next year - the house that sleeps 21 people....sweet!! Who's down??
the bloody nose and fight didn't make the list?!?!
> Who's down??
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