Sunday, January 08, 2006


i am sure all of us have a few resolutions or two for the new year. one of mine, along with the rest of america, is to lose weight. i think the excuse 'i just had a baby' has been used long enough. :-(

my main reason for this resolution is because i am in a wedding later this year. so i thought i would come up with a few motivations to lose the weight.

15 pound down - massage (it was actually a gift from my mom at christmas)
25 pounds down (i wish i had this now!!)
35 pounds down
45 pounds down

and finally...

55 pounds - this is actually a secret....hehe....only one other person knows about it. ;-)

today is day 7 of my "wellness" challenge and i am happy to report that i am down 5.2 pounds!

oh, and btw, for those of my co-workers who are crying that there is actually someone challenging them for the $50 gift card for the company workout challenge you can HAVE the $50.....i got better gifts comin'!!


At 12:18 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

What great motivators those are! Maybe I need to do something like that!!!

I will throw something else in there if you get the weight you want to be I will pay for half of you bridesmaid dress! What do you think about that?

Keep up the Good Work!!

At 12:33 PM, Blogger Velvet Minnick said...

i will definitely take you up on that offer!! i got nothing to lose! (haha, besides my big ole trunk!)

At 2:10 PM, Blogger Jilian said...

Pretty impressive list of rewards!!
My mental motivation is - If I make it to the gym regularly, I can justify buying new 'cute' workout clothes :)

My suggestion - Sign up to run a half marathon. The country music 1/2 to be exact. Nashville rocks, the group that's going is crazy, you have plenty of time to train if you start now, you're so focused on the race as your goal, the weight just comes off, not only do lose weight - you cross the finish line and realize... I just ran a 1/2 marathon (with 10,000 other people), what an adrenaline rush :)

That's why I signed up for my first... I knew that if I was going to be able to run 13.1 miles I had to stick to the training plan and it kept me from slacking! I was happy with the results :)

Looking forward to seeing you at the gym in the mornings ;)

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Velvet Minnick said...

wow....a 1/2 marathon...that's pretty scary! i don't think i know how to train for one! if you can train me i just might do nashville. ;-)


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