Monday, May 22, 2006

What A Weekend!

This past weekend has been so busy that I just now have the time to blog about it.

So the main highlight, of course, was celebrating the good ole 5th year wedding anniversary. To give you a recap on the actual day of the anniversary it went something like this:

Wake up, go to work, pick up the kids, drop off a deposit for the company at the bank, go home, feed drew, cook/eat dinner, put drew to sleep at 7pm, then "rest" on the couch at 7:01pm.....ok rest in this case meant accidentally falling asleep on the couch and only waking to move from the couch to the bed. oops.

Not really a celebration, eh? No worries though! The next day proved to be exactly what I wanted to celebrate the occasion!! We had planned to take the kids to their Memere's and let them drive her the night! While Kevin drove them over to P'burg, I enjoyed a great run on the Huckleberry. (yes my friends, a 9.25 negative split run CAN be fun!) After which we headed out for a round of golf at The Hill. We then headed over to B-Ws for some cervesa mas fina. After una siesta pequena (ok, enough espanol), we dined at the Summit which was very delicious. We then capped the evening off with a couple of episodes of the Sopranos.

This may not sound too exciting for most people, but the thought of being able to do what we wanted for one day was just relaxing. We are really lucky to have family live close by to allow us to enjoy times like this together.

Kev also surprised me by getting me the one gift that I have wanted for a long time now. It was such an awesome surprise! He's so sneaky!! ;-) I could have had the iPod earlier, if I had stuck to my original game plan. But it was a good motivator so it was pushed back a notch. So now, since I have one, I will have to make sure I shed those 1.5 pounds remaining to officially "earn" it. At least now I can do it to the beat of some great music!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Happy 5th Anniversary Kev!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My European City

You Belong in Barcelona

When it comes to Europe, you don't want to decide between culture and fun. You want art by day and a big party by night.
Barcelona is ideal for you. You can check out some Picasso, eat some tapas, take a siesta, and then dance all night!
What a fun little quiz! Thanks Jil!! I think this is me to the T. haha!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bringing my race finish to you!

I figured that since this was my first 1/2 marathon I might as well pay the extra few dollars to get a video clip of my finish.

(BTW, the quality is not as good as the file I have. If you would like the 7.5MB file to view in WMP I would be happy to pass it along! Or share with me your secrets on vidoes on the web ;-)

Look at the number of people I passed at the last second!! I am on the right hand side of the screen with the white hat and blue tank top. I almost plow over another finisher who is walking alongside the

It's funny to see the amount of people that are there finishing at the same time that I am. I don't remember that many people there at all!! I just remember seeing that finish line and looking at my watch, that's about it.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Family Vacation Photos

(the lazy man's blog)

we had a great family vacation! i am taking the easy out on this one:

1. read what kevin has to say about the Disney trip
2. and then go here to view some pics


Monday, May 08, 2006

My Uncle

My uncle came in from Iraq this past weekend. He's currently serving a year over there helping out the Iraqi army, teaching them how to fight, protect their own people, etc. I was happy to get a chance to see him during his R&R. He won't be home for good until August. :-(

Seis de Mayo

Thanks to all who came out to celebrate Seis de Mayo!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Recycling for a Good Cause

There are a couple of efforts currently going on in the New River and Roanoke Vallies that are helping a young child in need of a liver transplant.

As this article explains:
"Ian was born with Biliary Atresia and is in need of a life-saving transplant"

The communities are helping raise money to help offset the $100,000 cost of the transplant.

My company is actually a sponsor of a community yardsale that will take place on June 10th at Pathway Christian Academy. All proceeds from the items donated to this yard sale are going toward the trust fund (which is being funded by COTA) for Baby Ian.

Another sponsor, CCS, Inc., is also collecting old cell phones and inkjet/laser cartridges to recycle. Go to these sites to get more information on how you can recycle your items to help Baby Ian.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Pictures from the Race!!

Check out these great pictures taken of the runners during the Country Music Marathon and 1/2 Marathon:

don't hate me guys!

Me (i accidently ripped my name card off during the final sprint, too bad!)
Jil (and you say i look at my watch 24/7....hahaha!!)
Andy (the serious-face runner...kinda like me)
Marisa (do you always smile when you run??)
Joel (the professional/"what marathon"/tour guide runner)
Robert (now, how do you know where all the cameras are located??)

Great stuff!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hip-Hip Hooray!

When you work on a team that consists of 1 person (basically) you seldomly get recognized for things that you get accomplished for the business. No biggie really, just a slight oversight by my coworkers who, in my opinion, seem to take for granted all the wonderful things that my company has to offer them. Once again I am faced with the monstrosity that we call billing. I know that when billing arrives, I am guaranteed to get behind in the 500 other responsibilities that I have, during which I am sure to piss someone off. And normally it also includes working on Saturday for at least 5 to 6 hours. I am not complaining the least bit, just trying to state some facts here. The future looks very bright for our billing system and all the magic that occurs behind the scenes. I am anxiously awaiting the day when I don't have to stress over the hundreds of invoices and whether they are correct or not. I will have to admit that the system has come long way. In fact, I still remember telling the boss I was not even going to take over the responsibility unless it was somewhat automated. But anyhow, another billing cycle is upon us, more money in the bank, and more growth for the company, well, except for my department. ;-)

On to good news! After almost 4 months of early morning workouts I have finally melted off (haha) more than 30 pounds of disgusting and useless fat. I think I am going to make this the year of the 30's: turning 30 (boo!!!), losing 30 pounds, losing another 30 pounds, running 30 miles, and anything else that sounds good to do in multiples of 30.