There's a new so-called 'calorie burning' product out on the market called
Enviga. The product claims that a normal weight person between the ages of 18-35 can burn between 60-100 calories, just by drinking this product. It has antioxidants including the metabolism boosting one called Epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG. It also contains about 100mg of caffeine per can.
You have to drink 3 cans of this stuff to receive the 'optimal' calorie burning effect. And as the can states, drinking more than 3 cans will not have an additional effect. It has 5 calories per can and provides 20% of your recommended calcium. Lucky for consumers it is available in three flavors: Peach, Berry & Green Tea.
At first taste, I was reminded of
Red Bull with it's carbony zing. Even more so like Red Bull Light with the substitute sweeteners. I have only tried the Berry and Green Tea flavors. The Berry was pretty good. But as with most drinks (other than alcohol) it's hard to have more than one. You just get bored of it. Maybe if you chug it real fast then you wouldn't get sick of it. Or, maybe we can have Enviga-vodka instead of Red Bull-vodka......hmmm....it would definitely be a more healthy alcoholic drink. It has antioxidants!
I don't know why I even picked it up. Maybe it was the thought that I could burn calories by not doing anything. Yes, as I am typing this I am thinking about the calories that are burning away inside. burn baby burn.
The only problem, you burn at most 100 calories, assuming of course you drink the 3 recommended cans. 100 calories.....blah. It's not worth it. In order to lose 1 pound, you have to burn 500 calories a day for one week. Alternatively, you can decrease your calorie intake by 500 calories per day for one week. Even better, decrease your calories 250 and burn 250 calories per day for one week, i.e. diet and exercise.
I am not for sure how this product will take with consumers. I am sure it will follow the normal weight loss craze that new products often endure. It will probably fizzle as quickly as it came to market. Here's the problem with this product:
1. It's expensive. Although I can't be 100% on this as I myself didn't look at the price (a bad habit, I know), but I am sure it was at least $1.50 per can. And don't forget, you have to drink 3 a day.
2. It's target market. The product states, "Three cans per day of enviga have been shown to increase calorie burning by 60-100 calories in healthy normal weight 18-35 year olds." Um, hello??? Shouldn't your target market be
non-normal weight people? Have you not listened to the news that the majority of people are not healthy and are over weight, they are in fact, obese?? Good job guys! Even as I write this I should have known this product wasn't for me since I don't fit into the 'normal weight' category. geesh.
3. It has caffeine. I don't know how your heart handles 300 mg of caffeine, but
mine can't handle it.
Maybe their true intent is to provide a healthier alternative to caffeinated drinks like coffee and Red Bull. But they add the calorie burning aspect which makes me think of weight loss.
My vote: nay!